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Zhejiang Yinfeng Automation Technology Co., Ltd

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Production precautions for 3D wire forming machines
2023-12-26 17:49:50

3D wire forming machines are becoming more and more widely used in our daily lives. We know that 3D wire forming machines can achieve efficient and high-precision wire bending production and processing. It can solve different shapes of wire forming, so let's take a look at the production precautions of 3D wire forming machines in the following text.

The selection of wire forming products is generally produced using wire automatic forming machines. The selection of wire automatic forming machines has five key indicators: reliability, precision, speed, amplitude, and automation technology level. Precision and reliability are important among them. The application of inspection tools is the adjustment standard for testing wire automatic forming machines, and it is the passing standard for testing products. Therefore, it is necessary to make inspection tools. Ensure full inspection and shipment.

Do not exceed the load of the 3D wire automatic forming machine for production, the wire diameter of the produced product should not exceed the standard range of the 3D wire automatic forming machine, and the wire loaded on the wire rack should not exceed the load of the wire rack; When the wire rotation direction is opposite, the rotation direction should be changed by operating the wire rack rotation direction switch, and the wire rack position should be moved to comply with the wire rotation direction; After the product debugging is completed, the "check" button should be used to check whether the program is correct. After confirming that there are no errors, a product should be produced through the automatic operation of the equipment. The product should be placed on the corresponding inspection tool to check whether the product is standard. Any incorrect dimensions (such as bending angle, arm direction and angle, length, etc.) should be modified and adjusted on the computer;

The above is all about the precautions for the production of 3D wire forming machines. Have you understood it clearly?

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