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Connection skills for computer spring machines
2023-12-26 17:47:55

During the assembly process of computer spring machines, there is a large amount of connection work. We generally divide the connection methods of computer spring machines into two types: detachable connection and non detachable connection:

1. Common non removable connections include welding, riveting, and interference fit, among which interference fit is commonly used for shaft and hole fitting. Common methods for achieving interference fit connections include pressing fit, thermal expansion fit, and cold shrinkage fit. Generally, computer spring machines can be equipped with a press fit method, while important or precision machines are more willing to use a heat expansion and cold contraction fit method. The computer spring machine cannot be disassembled during the use of the connected components. If it needs to be disassembled, it often damages certain parts.

2. When disassembling and connecting parts and components, no parts are damaged, and they can be reconnected after disassembly. Common detachable connections include threaded connections, key connections, and pin connections. Among them, threaded connections are the most widely used. The quality of threaded connections is closely related to the assembly process. The tightening force of each bolt, the tightening sequence between multiple bolts, and the balance of tightening force should be reasonably determined based on the shape of the connected parts and the distribution and force of the bolts in the computer spring machine.

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